Monday, September 16, 2024

Architect Plans to Build Flat Pack Homes Above Car Parks

British architect Bill Dunster has revealed an ambitious plan to build as many as 1,000 flat pack houses per year. The houses, which are built in just a week, would sit on top of a self-contained car park as part of a plan to maximise use of space in crowded metropolitan areas.

The houses, which are called Zedpods, would have a net zero carbon output and are designed for use in large cities such as London. Dunster claims that the houses can be assembled in just one week, with costs starting from £35,000 for the smallest units.

Aimed at young professionals eager to purchase property but unable to deal with rising prices across the UK, the houses’ low purchase and running costs are viewed as major selling points, as is their ability to be built in busy commercial areas.

The compact houses are part of a growing trend towards flat pack residential units, which are pre-built and assembled on site. Flat pack houses have become a more popular choice in the last decade as homebuyers face growing prices for existing properties.

The Zedpods are distinguished from other flat pack homes by two key factors: their high-profile design, which prioritises efficient use of space, and their construction on stilts above a car park.

The homes are designed to be constructed over existing parking spaces, allowing for increased efficiency in the usage of space in major cities. Building over existing car parks also reduces the cost of home ownership by avoiding the need to purchase land.

Dunster believes that the homes can be offered for sale at competitive prices, or for rent. He has confirmed that Zedfactory is currently considering sites in London, Bath, Cardiff and Oxford as it moves towards producing the first homes for customers.

Featured Image – Source / CC 2.0 

Elliot is the Editor at ABCMoney. He manages a team that writes and contributes to many leading publications across a number of industries.

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