Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to successfully promote your brand

Finding the right method of promoting any cause can be a trying task. In the past, it meant haranguing shoppers as they walked past, cold calls and the thankless task of knocking on doors. With the advent of the internet though, the whole marketing paradigm has changed. Social media is a vehicle for reaching out to all parts of society – especially those of a slightly younger generation. That isn’t to say that there aren’t traditional marketing techniques that are still effective today, because that simply isn’t the case. Trial and error is often an inescapable part of marketing and having an awareness of marketing techniques both old and new is the best way to forge a profitable path forward for your brand.

Social media

The social media landscape is a difficult one to traverse. You can attack it from any number of angles – aggressive promotion of your cause with paid posts, attempting to craft viral content using humour, leveraging the platforms’ users’ tendency to value visual content by posting videos and images. Enticing social media users to both interact and promote with your brand by hosting competitions is another popular promotional tactic. It is important to reiterate how integral it is to your success to understand your target audience. With a burgeoning brand, it is absolutely essential. Once you have a firm understanding of exactly who your target audience is – and their likes and dislikes – you can hone your approach to social media and leave your scattershot strategy firmly in the past.

Promotional materials

In this day and age, where you can reach millions of people with a few clicks of a mouse, or a few taps on a touchscreen, any tactic that relies on an organic, boots on the ground approach seems like a relic of the past. The reality is that seemingly outdated techniques like customising and printing branded merchandise still have a place in today’s hyperconnected climate. Emulating the ubiquity of the Livestrong wristbands in 2004 is a challenge, but by harnessing the reach of influencer marketing channels, charity wristbands remain a viable method of creating awareness.


Traditional networking is a great way to cultivate relationships that benefit your brand. It is another example of a tried-and-tested tactic that remains viable in the internet age. An invitation to a business event represents an opportunity to create buzz for your brand, and one that should be seized with both hands. Connecting with people with synergistic aims can have extremely productive results.

Marketing isn’t an exact science – in spite of increasing attempts to rationalise every single strategy with hard data. With a new brand, trial and error is an important part of the journey. Over time, you’ll garner an understanding of the tactics that work for your brand and those that don’t. At a certain point, you’ll be able to put in practice what you’ve learnt and utilise only the marketing and promotional techniques that produce results.

Elliot is the Editor at ABCMoney. He manages a team that writes and contributes to many leading publications across a number of industries.

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