Saturday, September 7, 2024

IP And Government Outsourcing Law Will Be Reconsidered

There will be an article by article review of the initiative to reform the Law on Subcontracting or outsourcing , as agreed by the private sector with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ; and after a week, they will return to the National Palace to present what was agreed with their cabinet, informed Carlos Salazar Lomelín, president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE).

Without anticipating modifications to the bill sent by the Executive to the Chamber of Deputies, he pointed out that there is dialogue and they will be in “permanent session” with the officials in charge of the initiative.

“I cannot assure it (a modification) until we sit down with the cabinet and see article by article what is being proposed as we suggest,” he said at the end of the meeting, which lasted a little more than an hour. and a half and to which the presidents of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of Mexico (Concamin) and the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur), both legitimate representatives of the national secondary and tertiary sectors, also attended.

“We made a commitment, here next week, and we will already reach the agreement that we will have seen with the cabinet,” said the leader of the highest business leadership.

This Monday, in his morning conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador left the door open for a possible modification to the proposal to extinguish the labor subcontracting mechanism known as outsourcing, and summoned representatives of the private sector “to explain” the initiative sent to the Chamber of Deputies.

He explained that as part of the violations of the rights of subcontracted workers, every year there is a cyclical fall in employment in December.

He pointed out that “due to the maneuver” made by the entrepreneurs in December 2019, 382,210 jobs and 378,560 jobs were lost in the same month of 2018.

Flexibility to changes
The president accepted that a way could be found to allow this outsourcing practice under certain conditions.

“They have to prove that it is not this, because we would not allow… we would look for a way, even also a call to employers, because as in everything there are employers who treat their workers well, who guarantee their benefits and others who act improperly ”Said the chief executive.

By instructions of the president, his cabinet is in “permanent session” together with representatives of the private sector to exchange opinions and concerns, said Luisa María Alcalde, Secretary of Labor.

“We are in ‘permanent session’ to be able to listen to each other, to be able to give our reasons, to see what the effects have been on the workers, the public finances, the social security institutions, and we will also listen to the employers. What is going to take place is dialogue, “he said at the end of the meeting at the National Palace.

Among business leaders there was optimism as they left the meeting at least for the opportunity to be heard in their concerns.

“We believe that the meeting went very well. He asked us to stay in ‘permanent session’. They are going to listen to all our concerns, ”said Salazar Lomelín.

“We spoke with the president and the cabinet that has to do with work and it was declared in ‘permanent session’ to reach an agreement in order to have confidence,” said Francisco Cervantes, president of Concamin, who confirmed that the next meeting It is for Monday, November 30.

Infrastructure Plan Advances
The meeting between the private initiative and the Executive with his cabinet focused on the issue of the outsourcing reform initiative. The subject of the second package of infrastructure projects in which private investment can participate was not touched; However, Salazar Lomelín announced that progress is being made in its formation.

“Progress continues in the infrastructure plan and it is most likely that very soon we will be announcing the second stage,” he said.

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