Wednesday, September 11, 2024

AMLO Present Ethical Guide For The Mexico Transformation

resident Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented on Thursday the ethical guide for the transformation of Mexico, a document designed to, he said, strengthen the values ​​in the country.

“It is a similar document, although in light of the new times, to the document that Alfonso Reyes drew up at the time, the moral primer,” he added.

The committee in charge of preparing the document is made up of Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, spokesman for the Presidency; José Agustín Ortiz Pinchetti; Verónica Velasco Aranda; Pedro Miguel Arce Montoya; Enrique Galván Ochoa, and Margarita Valdez González.

In this regard, Ramírez Cuevas pointed out that monitoring of this document is not mandatory.

“The adoption is voluntary. This document is a reference, it is not a law, it is not a norm; it is a document for debate and reflection,” he stressed.

These are the 20 principles and values ​​set out in the guide.

  1. Respect for difference . Let’s avoid imposing ‘our world’ on the world of others.
  2. Of life. There is nothing more valuable than life, liberty and security of people.
  3. Of dignity . No one should be humiliated.
  4. Of freedom . Peace and freedom are inseparable. No one can be at peace without freedom.
  5. Of love . Love of neighbor is the essence of humanism.
  6. Of suffering and pleasure . There is no greater joy than the happiness of others.
  7. From the past and from the future . Those who do not know where they come from hardly know where they are going.
  8. Of gratitude . Gratitude is the greatest virtue of a good person.
  9. Of forgiveness . Forgiveness liberates whoever gives it and whoever receives it.
  10. Of redemption . Evil must not be faced with evil.
  11. Of equality . Good law must moderate opulence and destitution; there can be no equal treatment between unequals.
  12. Of the truth, the word and the trust . Do not lie, do not steal, do not betray.
  13. Of the fraternity . To be fraternal is to make the problems of others your own.
  14. Of laws and justice . Outside the law, nothing; above the law, nobody. All for reason and law; nothing by force.
  15. On authority and power . Power only makes sense and becomes virtue when it is put at the service of others.
  16. From work. There is no greater satisfaction than having a job and enjoying it.
  17. Of wealth and the economy. The richest is not the one who has more, but the one who is more generous.
  18. Of the agreements . The commitments are fulfilled.
  19. From the family. The family is the main social security institution in Mexico.
  20. Of animals, plants and things . By taking care of water, air, land, plants, animals and things, we all take care of ourselves.

How will the guide be distributed?
López Obrador stressed that the document will be printed “in a considerable quantity” as it will be distributed to the more than eight million older adults who receive government support.

“So that they are the ones who, voluntarily in their free time, can transmit and analyze with their children and grandchildren what is said in this guide,” he added.

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