Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to Grow Your Audience Through Digital Marketing

One of the biggest challenges for any business is growing its audience and expanding its customer base, but it’s one of the most important goals to achieve if you’re hoping to achieve your goals. While many companies rely on word of mouth and local referrals, there are also other ways to grow your audience that can give you a bit of control over how your business is perceived.

Whether you specialise in hardscaping materials, heating and plumbing or fittings and fixtures, it’s so important that you can be found easily for those customers who are looking for your services or products. In today’s world, having a robust and well thought out online presence is becoming more and more essential. SLG explains more about how to grow your audience through this type of activity.

Marketing for the construction industry

Typically marketing teams in construction focussed businesses are small, and are required to perform a huge number of tasks. While there are many different avenues to explore when it comes to digital marketing, it’s important to find the right mix that will work for your business and your team. Spreading yourself too thin trying to do everything could result in falling short of the results you were hoping to gain. Here are just 3 of the ways you could use marketing for the purpose of growing your audience base.

Keeping your website up to date

These days, the first thing customers will do when trying to find a solution to their problem is head to the internet. With that in mind, if your business doesn’t have an online presence, it’s likely that customer will land on a competitor to help them solve their issue. Having a website that clearly communicates who you are and what value you do can provide is the first thing to get right.

However, it’s one thing to build a website and get it running, and it’s another to make sure it’s kept up to date. The last thing you need is a customer clicking on your website and being confused by out of date information, or not being able to find what they’re looking for. Details like how to get in touch with you, what services you provide and answers to FAQs can all be great tools to encourage prospective customers to go a step further.

You can also include handy information on your website that’s accessible by the customer filling in their details and requirements, so you can gauge their interest and offer the right assistance to suit them. This can be a great way to capture a new audience and hopefully turn some of them into viable leads.

Engaging with your social media followers

A huge part of today’s digital marketing sphere is social media, and through the various platforms there is a whole host of people who might just be interested in what you’re offering. Even if you think your business isn’t right for a particular channel, the chances are your audience is on at least one of the many platforms available. You can tap into this audience by making sure you have a social media page for your business, that’s updated regularly with news, images and video.

Perhaps you want to show off your craftsmanship, or maybe you’re hosting an event to announce a new product line. Whatever it is, social media is a great way to get the word out. Use your social pages to engage with your audience; talk to customers and find out what their pain points are, and explain how your business is well-placed to fix them.

Using a social media page can also give customers a better idea of your brand’s personality and make your business much more approachable. 

Search engine optimisation for local customers  

One of the best strategies to grow your audience is to tap into your domestic audience. There has been a huge trend of late to support British businesses, but it’s no good if customers haven’t heard of you. Localising SEO efforts can be a very effective strategy to connect users in your local area, region or country depending on how far you want to reach out.

This helps your online presence become even more visible on the likes of Google, so that when someone is looking for an underfloor heating supplier or paving manufacturer, you are right there in Google’s listings.

The best way to achieve great results when it comes to your marketing strategies is to work with a reputable and trusted agency, who can work with you to reach your goals and widen your audience. 

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