Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Dos and Don’t of Home Security

A comprehensive list of the dos and dont’s of home security has been revealed following news that more than half a million homes in Britain have been broken in to over the last 12 months with an average haul worth £2,267.

According to a damming study Brits are giving burglars a helping hand, with only a third of people owning a burglar alarm or security windows, less than one in five relying on light timers and only one in ten having external security cameras.

Of 1,500 UK adults polled, more than 75 per cent believed their home was secure – but 55 per cent had suffered a break-in. And it’s not the elderly who are most at risk – the 16-25 age group is TWICE as likely to be targeted as the over-75s and almost three times as likely to have no security measures in place.

Nest Head of Product Marketing Lionel Guicherd-Callin said: “As the value of items stored in outbuildings has increased, our security measures have not kept up

“Traditional security measures, such as alarms, often don’t extend to property outside our physical home, and so outdoor cameras – which are a great visible deterrent and now more accessible than ever – are a powerful home security addition.”

Here are the Top Tips from home security experts – on both sides of the law

● Leave valuables on show through your windows.
● Advertise you have pets in the house – it’s a sign you don’t have an alarm.
● Leave tools outside your home that could be used to break in.
● Leave calendars or notes that show when you’re away near windows.
● Let your hedges become overgrown and obscure entrances.
● Make your front door look as secure as possible.
● Invest in visible home security, such as an alarm or camera, to deter thieves.
● Use your security products. If you have them installed, make the most of them.
● Install a letterbox cage so burglars can’t reach through and ‘fish’ for keys.
● Get to know your neighbours – they can be a second pair of eyes for you.

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