Any business – especially startups – need to seek a source of investment actively. It is a rare situation where investors hunt your business down ready to push cash into it. So, there needs to be an effective way to position your value proposition in front of these find these investors and get them to back your business. To get potential investors to give you their time, you must stand out. One way to do this is through organising a financial roadshow. You hit the road and go from location to location showing all your business has to offer. To present your business in the best light during these roadshows, you must plan meticulously. To help get you ready for the road, here are a few handy tips:
Choose whether to hire an agency or plan in-house
Organising a roadshow is not cheap or straightforward. Whether you decide to plan it in-house or hire an agency will depend on the availability of staff who can devote their time to preparing a plan. There are benefits to both methods. Planning in-house gives you more control over how the roadshows are conducted. Hiring an agency removes the stress of planning from your staff, but it can be expensive. You also have less control over how the roadshow is organised. These are some things to think about before your roadshow.
Be smart about logistics
We are going to point out the obvious. A good idea when planning a financial roadshow is to make sure you go where the investors are. If you are looking for potential investors in London, you need to go to London. Don’t expect anyone to come to you. At the same time, don’t neglect your home market where your business is situated.
As well as choosing the most sensible cities to go to, you also need to pick the right venues for your roadshows. Selecting prestigious venues doesn’t automatically mean your roadshow will become more successful. When choosing a site, consider who you are trying to get to invest. Sometimes a smaller, humble venue may be a better place to connect with potential investors. Consider your budget. What can you afford? And be sure to make any bookings well in advance to give you a head start when you need to make unforeseen last-minute changes.
Be economical but not tight
You may think that getting staff to travel in economy and stay in cheaper hotels will save money and benefit the business by keeping costs down. But, a team who travels and sleeps comfortably is a team that is fresh-faced, satisfied, and ready to make the best pitch. Spending that little bit extra to ensure your team is comfortable is worth the results brought about by enthusiastic and energised staff.
Driven Worldwide is the only specialist global provider of chauffeur services for financial roadshows. We want your team to travel in comfort and style so you can get the best possible results from your roadshow. That is why we are trusted by some of the biggest names in the banking industry to deliver over 10,000 roadshows every year.