Saturday, July 27, 2024

11 ways to deal with life if you are a broke traveloholic

Travelling is expensive and when it comes to solo travels, the expense doubles up. The real problem is that the millennials are forever broke but the urge to explore new places is much higher than anyone else! Now, what if we tell you there are a few tricks that can help you organize your budget trip without much of compromises? Sounds cool? Yes, travelling is expensive only when you don’t know the tips and tricks! The key is to organise and plan your money and spend as per the plan. If you are a traveloholic and if you are broke, here are a few tricks that will help you to have a perfect pocket-friendly trip!

Cheap hotels

If you travel to places like Colorado, Breckenridge cabin rentals are the most commonly availed options to stay and they don’t make a big hole in your pocket. Most of the popular places have hostels for the solo travellers to have a peaceful and comfortable stay fitting the budget. You get to meet many new travellers who are also travelling solo. Share your experiences and be assured to have a memorable stay. According to most of the solo travellers, hostels throw you such pleasant surprises that you will never be able to forget the time you will spend there.

Free activities

If the goal is to roam around to know the place inside out, go and look for the free activities. Anywhere you go, the area will be full of free activities. Before planning the date, look at the community calendar to figure out their local programs and plan your trip accordingly to feel the essence of local activities. Trails and strolls will make you go to new places which you won’t find anywhere on the internet!

Talk to the locals

Want to fetch more information about the place, talk to the locals. They know the place more than any websites and you will be able to get some insider tips. To break the ice, use common question on places to go, direction etc. A good rapport with the locals can get you huge discounts. Befriend them and they will be an amazing company!

Flexible flight dates

Research and keep a track on the flight dates. On some rare days, when you are lucky enough, you will get flights at the cheapest rate. It is not a seasonal occurrence, it happens almost every month. So book the tickets which are cheap as we don’t need to flaunt a business class. Moreover keeping a track on the cheap dates is one of the most important tasks before planning the trip. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually the cheapest days. It is always advisable to book from the airlines’ websites.

New age tools

Since technology is so advanced use it to stay updated. Follow the hoteliers and airlines companies for offers and updates. Most of the time, the amazing deals go totally unnoticed. Subscribing to e-mail notifications will help you in this big time!

Travelling within

That will save a lot! If you can ride a bike, take one on rent and that will cut the expenses to a great extent. Always go on public transport because it saves a lot. Though it gives you an amazing travel experience, hiring a bike will be better than travelling on a bus. You can also try sharing the car with a fellow solo traveller!

Food story

Cut it short! Not that you need to remain hungry throughout the trip, you can always try and look for local savouries. The small joints are usually awesome as it delivers amazing food at a cheap price. Move away from the touristy places. The joints doing business around the touristy places will always be more expensive than the hidden ones.

Shopping spree

If shopping is one of your main agendas, make a list beforehand and stick to the list. The tendency of surpassing the budget is most noticeable while shopping. You should buy small souvenirs, gift items for friends and family from one store so that they can give you a small discount if asked for. Go to the local markets as they are more cordial and are definitely more approachable than the big stores. But indigenous gift items from the place where you are going will make you stay within budget.

Drink it away

Well, if you love to have your one glass of night drink, you must go for the local ones. It is always good to taste the locally made drinks rather than the expensive ones. Buy your bottle from the shop and have your quality time inside the hotel room.

Room Selection

Room selection should be as per your convenience. It is always better to have a small kitchen, a unit with a microwave and refrigerator so that you can cook a bit if needed! Home cooked food will always save money when compared to restaurant foods.

Stick to the list

Make a budget and stick to the plan. Try not to go for any extra expenses. Keep a portion in your budget for emergency and shopping so that you can keep a check on where you are spending the money. Sticking to the proposed plan while always helpful

You may be broke but who’s stopping you from choosing and planning your dream destination? Take out the notepad and go ahead, make the budget plan. Having a budget doesn’t mean limiting your fun; it’s all about the experiences that you are going to gather in course of time.

Claire James
Claire James
Claire is an accounts manager at Fire Digital UK, an online publishing and content marketing company based in the North West.

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