Monday, September 9, 2024

The Port Approves Its Railway Action Plan

The Port approves its railway action plan. The objective is to ensure the increase in traffic by train.

The Board of Directors of the Port of Barcelona has approved the strategic action plan to increase the rail capacity of the infrastructure until the new rail accesses come into operation. In a statement this Wednesday, the Port explains that it is an action plan in stages “that has to ensure the increase” of this traffic with the current infrastructures to continue advancing in intermodality.

The first stage of the plan is the design of a new General Circulation Consignment, a document that defines how to circulate in the Port’s service area to optimize it and guarantee the safety of its facilities.

The second stage will allow the creation of a Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) that will allow the current management model of trains to be changed and to extend the timetable for the provision of rail services.

In addition, it will facilitate technological changes in the remote control of circulation and the construction of new railway infrastructures in the Port. The third and final stage involves the implementation of a Railway Command Center (CMF), which will allow the new accesses to be managed jointly when they are operational and the current tracks, as well as allowing future extensions.

On the other hand, it has approved to start the tender for the maintenance works of the port area for a value of 9.5 million euros. These works have a term of two years, with the possibility of an extension of two more years and an additional period of another year.

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