Charge-M8, experts in the field of EV charging, are excited to unveil their cutting-edge range of protection barriers for EV chargers, specifically engineered to shield vital EV charging stations from accidental vehicle impacts, while ensuring compliance with UK standards.
The new selection presents six cutting-edge products, including steel quad/tri post barriers, steel U barriers in narrow and wide options, and rubber wheel stops in two sizes, priced competitively from £29.97 to £268.97.
Charge-M8 now offers an effortless solution to safeguard your essential EV charging units. They not only sell these innovative products but also provide a bespoke installation and securing service, guaranteeing that your EV charging stations are securely protected and remain safe for an extended period.
The BS IET Wiring Regulations 18th Edition, through codes AG2-AG3, advise on the necessity of reinforced protection in potential medium or high impact zones. The IET Code of Practice for EV Charging Equipment Installation specifies that equipment in publicly accessible areas must be equipped to resist impacts of a minimum AG2 severity, as outlined in BS76741 (18th Edition). Charge-M8 recommends the use of heavy-duty tyre stops as a preliminary defence, followed by impact barriers as a secondary measure for situations where tyre stops are ignored or when a vehicle’s overhang exceeds their protective limits.

Although conceived for the protection of EV equipment, these barriers are versatile enough for a multitude of applications, such as demarcating areas or creating safety zones, making them ideally suited for warehouses, storage sites, industrial areas, and parking lots.
The range is available for direct online order, with immediate dispatch. For discounts on large orders, installers are invited to consult with Charge-M8’s Technical Experts, who can help identify specific requirements. Reach out by phone or through the enquiry form on the Charge-M8 website for further assistance.
For more information and case studies from Charge-M8 please visit: or to book an appointment email or call 0333 242 3328