Friday, July 26, 2024

Medicana Health Group Expands to Cater to the UK’s Growing Demand for Elite Private Healthcare

Medicana Health Group, a titan in integrated healthcare provision, is set to extend its expertise to the UK, aiming to satisfy the escalating demand for exceptional healthcare services.

Medicana Health Group, a beacon in integrated healthcare, is gearing up to expand its offerings to the UK, introducing its distinguished patient-centric approach and tailored care. This strategic expansion is in response to the increasing inclination towards private healthcare and insurance solutions following the COVID pandemic. Medicana is fundamentally committed to “active listening and personalised attention,” focusing on understanding and fulfilling the distinct needs of each patient, thus ensuring a customised healthcare journey from the initial consultation to subsequent aftercare, thereby redefining the UK’s private healthcare standards.

Emphasising “active listening and personalised attention at every stage of the patient’s journey,” Medicana Health Group aspires to provide a patient experience that is both deeply personal and meticulously planned, mirroring their established model in Türkiye to bring about a paradigm shift in the UK’s private healthcare sector.

Tapping into the £282 Billion UK Healthcare Market

The post-COVID resurgence of the UK’s private healthcare sector in 2021 and 2022 has been significantly influenced by the increase in self-paying patients. An unparalleled number of individuals are now opting for private healthcare to avoid the protracted wait times associated with the NHS and to access the high-calibre services offered by the independent sector. The Akeso report puts the total healthcare expenditure in the UK for 2022 at an estimated £282 billion, with public spending constituting about 80% and private spending about 20%.

With this burgeoning market, Medicana is poised to leverage its profound expertise and extensive care services to delve into the UK’s private healthcare sector. By rolling out its tested and proven care model, which includes advanced diagnostic services and specialised treatments, Medicana is well-equipped to address the growing demand for premium private healthcare. The group’s unwavering dedication to excellence and its innovative approach to patient care make Medicana a prime contender in meeting the current healthcare needs of the UK.

Accommodating 5.5 Million Patients Annually

Medicana Health Group annually provides superior healthcare services to over 5.5 million patients across the globe, including those treated in its 16 hospitals that boast a substantial bed capacity. This not only underscores their extensive experience in delivering top-notch care but also their capability to satisfy the diverse requirements of a global patient demographic. The expansion of Medicana Health Group into the UK market is anticipated to introduce a significant transformation towards more compassionate, efficient, and tailored healthcare, initiating a new era in their dedication to improving patient welfare and healthcare standards worldwide.

With an illustrious history spanning more than 30 years, Medicana’s medical proficiency extends across a wide array of specialties, providing cutting-edge services in areas such as Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Neurosurgery, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Genetics, Cardiovascular Surgery, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, and Obesity Surgery. Since 2016, Medicana Health Group has also ventured into the educational field, offering a broad spectrum of educational programmes from early childhood education to tertiary education, both in Türkiye and internationally.

Elliot is the Editor at ABCMoney. He manages a team that writes and contributes to many leading publications across a number of industries.

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