Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Step By Step Guide To Create SEO Friendly Article

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is used by companies and websites to rank at SERPs.

It allows and helps websites to gain organic traffic and potential customers. It eventually, results in more clicks, shares, and more engagement of users to the website.

SEO is like a product description that will help you, sale more of them. Readers read the description, like it, and boom, you have a new user attached to your website.

If a description is that much important that it can rank you, how are you supposed to write it?

A writer is always trying to engage their readers in his words. This is what every SEO requires. But, to write an engaging and persuasive article about SEO is not a piece of cake. It requires much hard work plus smart work.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, similarly, you cannot write a good article or an SEO overnight. It will require hard work, patience, research, knowledge, and much more.

But, if you want to write a high-quality article or SEO, we can provide you a step-by-step guide to do it.

Buckle your belts and follow the given steps to create a standard article that can be improving your SEOs.

The steps that ought to be followed are:

  1. Using headers properly
  2. Providing plagiarism free content
  3. Using quality backlinks
  4. Improving the word count
  5. Good Keywords Selection
  6. Image optimization
  7. Creating a shareable content

·      Using Headers Properly:

Headers and headings are vital for search engine optimization. They must be used properly accurately to make them readable catchy.

Talking about the priority, using proper headers help you make your content skimmable and easy to read. If the content is short and précised, it is more likely to be shared. Readers like short readings. Less time consumed and more information gained.

The same is with the bots of google which read your content and then pass it on. When they wriggle through your content, they start sorting out the content. This sort out happens all on all based on headers and headlines.

The more accurately you use your headers, the most precisely your content will be sorted. And, hence, it will give a classy outlook.

The Google bots will sort out the content concerning the most important up to the least one. To do this, your headers will help the bots.

Plus, using proper headers allow you to sort keywords more naturally into the content.

·      Providing Plagiarism Free Content:

This is the part that you must not underestimate. This must be distinct. Copied or plagiarized content does not get much traffic and attention.            

Readers do not like copied work. Everyone is in seek of original and unique content. Plagiarism or copying may cause demotion in your traffic.

To check if you have any plagiarized work or not, use free or paid plagiarism checkers. These tools help you get the results of plagiarized work.

According to Google SERPs, following are free & paid checkers that you can use:

Website Free Premium version 1500 words  
Trunitin X 1000 words                X
Copyscape X  
Check-plagiarism 5000 words  

Which one you should prefer, free or paid tool for this task?

It is totally up to your budget. If you can afford premium plagiarism checker, go for it. Otherwise, free plagiairsm checker from a trusted source can be used.

·      Using Quality Backlinks:

Using backlinks and having from some other websites also help increasing traffic. It also plays an important role in search engine optimization.

If the content is good enough, it will more likely get many backlinks. These backlinks can be external or internal.

Ranking your old posts in search engines is as necessary as for the new ones. To perform this step, backlinks of those posts are attached to the newer posts.

Using the best quality backlinks will help both the robots and the readers find your content and articles easily.

Fun fact, using high-rated websites’ will help your content to prove more accurate. People believe in quality more than quantity. If you add 3 backlinks to well-reputed websites, people will consider your content more than the others.

You can also use the hyperlink scenario as it develops trust in your readers.

·      Improving The Word Count:

Referring to the old days, there was a competition of numbers. There was quantity more than quality. Articles used to have hundreds of words. People were racing in the number game.

The more articles you write and post, the most popular you are.

But now, time has changed people’s indents. People have started liking quality instead of quantity. There are fewer posts and articles but have quality content in them.

All of this happened because Google started viewing long-listed high-quality content. It wanted to show its users the best quality and detailed answers to their queries.

The formula of the direct and simple answer has been thrown out by Google.

Writing very small content is not appreciated nowadays. But it doesn’t mean you start exaggerating it.

You must analyze and check before you start writing content or posting it. You must visit Google Analytics to check whether the content you are writing about is in searching or not.

 A writer must know the future of its content even before posting it. The analysis will help you get a piece of deep information about the subject that you are working on.

Writers can use paraphrasers to shorten the over-long content. Rephrasing tools are very effective for paraphrasing & summarizing your content. They can help the writer to create a précised piece.

·      Good Keywords Selection:

Content writers use two different techniques to write. First is when they just sit and start writing content without taking anything else into account.

Whether, the second one, is when the writer starts typing only keywords. By most of the writers, the second one is the favorite appreciated.

The writer starts brainstorming the words related to his content and topic. Keywords cannot be chosen blindfolded. They must be relevant and competitive.

You either start on your own or can do it by using various tools. Some of the SEO agencies also do keyword selection and keyword searches for users. These types are premium.

After starting for once, you must use keywords in the title, headlines, and wherever they can be used. But, one thing that must be in your mind is that don’t use keywords excessively. Use them naturally.

·      Image Optimization:

Choosing a picture or an image for your content is an important task in content writing. The writer must choose the best, relevant and attractive images to make the content attractive.

A buyer will always go to a website having catchy and interesting images and pictures about the product.

The size of the picture must be kept in mind while using them. Pictures having too large a size may slow down the process which may result in hurting the SEO.

The image size must be kept as small as possible until you can see it. Only visibility is the criteria of image size in content writing for SEO.

·      Creating A Shareable Content:

After you have made your content readable and user-oriented, make it shareable. Different websites like ShareThis and AddThis create social media buttons for your websites to make them shareable.

These websites will help the users to share your content directly from your website.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
Sam heads up Cheshire-based PR Fire, an online platform that has already helped over 10,000 businesses to grab widespread media coverage on their news at an extremely accessible price point.

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