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Addiction is on the rise during the pandemic


On the 24th of June 2021, the United Nations News desk released a report on the rise of drug use worldwide that they believe is fuelled by the Covid pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) World Drug Report 2021:

  • Between 2010-2019 the number of people using drugs increased by 22 per cent, owing in part to an increase in the global population.
  • Roughly 200 million people used cannabis in 2019 representing 4 per cent of the global population.
  • The number of cannabis users has increased by nearly 18 per cent over the past decade.
  • An estimated 20 million people used cocaine in 2019, corresponding to 0.4 per cent of the global population.
  • Fentanyl and its analogues now are involved in most of the deaths.
  • The number of new psychoactive substances (NPS) found at a global level has been stabilising in recent years at slightly more than 500 substances (541 in 2019) while the actual number of NPS identified for the first time at the global level declined from 213 to 71 between 2013 and 2019.

Paul Spanjar: Owner of the Providence Project in Bournemouth, UK, is also seeing a noticeable increase in call volumes, during the pandemic, and he believes the trend is set to continue even after lockdown restrictions have eased.  “The untreated psychological problems so many are experiencing could lead to a tsunami of mental illness. As we emerge from lockdown and adjust to greater levels of freedom in our daily lives, returning to work and school and getting used to the “new normal”, I would encourage anyone struggling with their mental health to reach out and seek help.”

Whilst many factors lead to addiction each year, the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted many disparities in our communities,

The socioeconomic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, where millions of people worldwide have been plunged below the poverty line through loss of employment (an estimated 225 million jobs were lost worldwide in 2020) have forced many people to either try to numb their feelings of failure with drugs or even to try put food on their tables through the sale of drugs.

Mental health issues due to being forced into isolation for weeks on end, losing loved ones to Covid-19 and not being able to be with them during their illness, have risen dramatically. Human beings are social by nature and without the stimulation of human interaction to increase dopamine levels, drugs and alcohol have become an attractive alternative. The added knowledge that addiction makes a person more susceptible to Covid -19 due to immunosuppression may also help feed the cycle.

“Covid-19 is a major global health crisis, and one with serious effects on mental as well as physical health. We have seen the combination of social isolation and a lack of human connection drive many to use drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism. Numbers of people seeking treatment have risen sharply since June, with addiction rates soaring by 30%; and many of these dependent alcoholics were only social drinkers earlier this year. The severity of the pandemic and lockdown on our mental health cannot be underestimated.” (Paul Spanjar –

With the healthcare system under strain by the pandemic, there are added challenges to the treatment of individuals with substance use disorders, often addiction care is postponed when it should be re-enforced.

The pandemic has brought about an altered health-seeking behaviour and inadequate access to health care delivery as well as a failure of rehabilitation strategies due to social distancing, these adjusted strategies include Mutual Aid Groups (Support Groups – AA, NA, CA etc) that are not allowed to meet face to face in group settings, rather people with addiction are given online meetings to attend, and while for some this has been  fine and their recovery has continued, others find the discipline needed to attend these meetings too difficult and the risk of relapse rises

As of May 2021, the general guideline released by the Public Health in England for commissioners and providers of services for people who use drugs or alcohol states:

“It is important that drug and alcohol services remain open and operating as they protect vulnerable people who are at greater risk from COVID-19 and help reduce the burden on other healthcare services. People who misuse or are dependent on drugs and alcohol may be at increased risk of becoming infected, and infecting others, with COVID-19. They may also be more vulnerable to poor health outcomes due to underlying physical and mental health conditions, which may have worsened due to the pandemic.”

Al Humaidi Family Kuwait Example to Novice Investors

Taking one’s first steps into the world of investment can sometimes be confusing. New terms must be learned, concepts must be internalized, and strategies must be formulated. All of it has been known to scare more than few people away from the pursuit before they’ve even started. That need not be the case, however. By looking to the example of experienced investors, even novices in the field can begin to find a foundation upon which to build their efforts. To this end, we’ve looked at the example set by the Al Humaidi Family Kuwait operations. The internationally-known family has established itself as a reliable source of information in this space. We’ll dive into that information below so that readers can benefit from their work.

Al Humaidi Family Kuwait Work – How to Think About Money

One of the first things that can be important to master as a novice investor is how exactly to think about money. We’ve all heard stories of people who win the lottery and are then broke just a few years later. As unbelievable as these stories may be, they are surprisingly common and can often be traced back to a fundamental misunderstanding of what money is and how it can be leveraged for the benefit of an individual or family.

One of the key takeaways to understand here is that money is so much more than a lump sum with which goods and services can be bought. Treating it as such can be a surefire way to burn through that sum before it’s had a chance to contribute to important costs that may arise in your life down the line. This means it can be important to take a long pause before purchasing a new luxury car or buying that dream house you’ve been wanting.

Instead of jumping right to these purchases when a new lump sum presents itself, another way to think about money can be to think of it as a stream of potential future income. This has been a hallmark of the work done by the Al Humaidi Family in Kuwait and elsewhere. The family has become adept at understanding that money, when carefully invested, can provide a renewable resource of funds that can meaningfully contribute to a person’s life down the line. This is relevant no matter how much money you have on hand — it can always pay to think about the ways in which that money can serve as a resource down the line rather than as a way to buy more immediate luxury items.

Al Humaidi Family Kuwait Money

Thinking About Debt

In the same way that a lump sum of money is not best thought of as a pile of cash, an owed debt may not be best thought of as a hole that needs to be filled. That’s because debt doesn’t just affect an individual’s financial wellbeing in the present, it also affects their income down the line. Just as money can be invested to provide a stable income for years moving forward, so too can debt provide a hindrance to income for many years.

For this reason, the consideration of investing is not just about what one does with the money they have on hand, it’s also important to consider what debt they’ve taken on. In some cases, it may be more important to pay off debt before investments are made, especially if a particular interest rate is high such as in the case of credit card debt. This principle is based on the idea that debt paid off is a guaranteed way to recoup the interest that then doesn’t need to be paid. By contrast, investment is inherently an uncertain pursuit and a return on investment is never guaranteed.

Al Humaidi Family Kuwait Operations Factor in Risk

That above acknowledgment of the concept of risk is a central theme in the entire pursuit of investing and is something with which every novice investor should be well acquainted. While it can be tempting to think of investment as a way to guarantee yourself additional income in the future, in reality, such returns are never guaranteed. Even things that have had historically constant rates of returns, such as the stock market, can still have high levels of variance over time.

Due to this, one of the core tenets of the Al Humaidi Family Kuwait investment operations has been diversification. Diversification is the practice of including many different kinds of investments in one’s investment portfolio. In the case of the family, this includes investments that touch on a variety of different industries, such as real estate, tourism, and entertainment. In doing so, the family is helping to protect its funds from a downturn in any one market and to hopefully reduce the overall volatility of its financial portfolio.

Reallocate as Necessary

One final concept with which novice investors may want to be familiar is the importance of reallocation. This concept can be related to diversification in many ways so it can be useful to first understand that concept before diving into this one. In a nutshell, however, reallocation can be a nod to the idea that, as certain elements of a portfolio perform better than others, a portfolio’s diversification level may become skewed. Though such a portfolio may have started off as very balanced, over time one asset may have grown more than others and may have become a much larger part of the portfolio.

In such cases, it can be useful to reallocate the amount of each asset you hold so as to return the portfolio to a state of balance. We see this balance in the work of the Al Humaidi Family in Kuwait through its holding of multiple development projects such as a resort along the Red Sea and a proposed theme park in London, set to open in 2024. As these assets grow, the family may at some point consider a reallocation strategy to ensure they are properly diversified in a balanced manner.

While the above overview is just an introductory look at some important factors to be aware of when entering the world of investing, it can serve as a foundational resource for many. The example set by the Al Humaidi Family in Kuwait throughout this piece can serve to further underscore the importance of these concepts and how they can play out in reality. Consider a further study of these themes to better understand the world of investment and to leverage these principles to your advantage.

Sayed Sayedy and His Achievements as A Social Worker


There are not many people who choose to change the lives of others. Everyone does not like to interfere with the difficulties other people are facing or even share the hardship they are struggling with. This is not the case with Sayed Sayedy and his mother because both have dedicated their lives to help the people in need in all possible ways. 

Sayed is an activist, social worker, coach, mediator, trainer, peace activist, and many other things. He is from Afghanistan and is a 1992 born sociologist. He completed his undergraduate studies in Parwan and has been working as an activist and helper in the schools and educational institutions that he is associated with, such as the German Adult Education Association.

He and his mother are actively participating in campaigning for many good causes, such as the fights against human rights, women empowerment, etc. He has been working from his hometown and also from many other places as a cultural facilitator. Therefore there are no chances of misunderstanding developing between the two communities anywhere. 

“Heroes against the Suppression in the Name of Honor” is a project that is carried out in Munich. Sayed is actively participating as an integration counselor in this project to help the people in need. He helps the refugees taking shelter in the asylum. As a job coordinator, he helps them find the right way of building up their career. 

Training is the term used to help people who are willing to try something new in the field of sports. The main focus here is to make sure that every individual will become better in everything they try. Training also means the trainer is transferring his knowledge to his student in any field, in all possible ways. Sayed works as a trainer for the required individuals and helps them achieve their goals in any field in the world of sports. 

Coaching is the term used to describe the idea of helping one find the best way of shaping their life, as they please. Here, a coach cannot decide what is best for a trainee but can guide one to choose the path that can lead them in understanding what works well for them. Sayed works as a coach for many individuals to help them in understanding what every individual is good at and how to nourish that particular talent in them. 

The mediator is the person who works with the main goal of conflict management. All the individuals involved in a conflict are made to sit together. There is a discussion about what went wrong and even discover the solution to resolve the issue. A mediator will not decide who is right and who is wrong but will help the involved parties to conclude. 

In some social institutions, integration counseling is mandatory, as the chances of conflict development are high. The best way of handling such situations in schools, communal accommodations, etc. is by becoming even an intercultural communication specialist if needed to resolve the conflicts. Sayed is a great communication specialist and mediator in resolving conflict matters. 

Most of the time, misunderstandings arise when there is an involvement of attitudes, comments, etc., in the asylum-seekers belonging to different communities. It can be because of the miscommunications caused between the unknown languages. Sayed works as an interpreter between the communities and has great success on violence prevention, which may arise in the future. 

In terms of gender, age, ethnic origin, physical disability, etc., the chances of inequality development problems are high. Such issues are efficiently handled by hosting some kind of diversity management seminars. Here, the individuals gain an understanding of the importance of both cultural and personal diversity. Sayed undertakes the work of making people understand the importance of every culture and diversity in the world. 

Conflicts and disputes have become an important part of every social circle today. Be it a colleague circle or the circle of friends, the development of conflicts and disputes are quite common. However, handling such situations is what will make a change in the world and Sayed is an expert in handling such situations through the process of nonviolent communication. 

Intercultural competence is something that cannot be achieved overnight. The growth in the number of refugees in any camps has increased the chances of intercultural cohabitation. With the help of the seminars, Sayed and other such volunteer workers will focus on making the refugees understand the importance of challenges that they might face in their life outside the refugee camps. 

The best way of helping someone is by understanding them and coming up with ways of making them understand what you are trying to say. You can learn more about such methodologies by following the official account of Sayed on Instagram, Facebook, and other such social media sources.

Understanding Amazon’s ‘brand Health’

Amazon’s new A10 search algorithm prioritizes organic results based in part on a brand’s “health.” This piece will discuss Amazon’s Brand Health project, its significant Metrics, and the implications for marketplace merchants.

About the Brand Dashboard

Amazon released the Brand Dashboard in 2020 to network sellers who have listed their brand in the Amazon Brand Registry. Brand Dashboard is a platform offered just to brands to help them optimize their Amazon Company. In addition, the Brand Dashboard will assist you in identifying opportunities to increase client experience, engagement, and conversion.

Brand Dashboard is only accessible to company owners, who are internal to the brand and are in charge of selling the brand on Amazon. You will not be recognized as a brand owner if you do not have access to this function.

Go to the Brand Dashboard in Seller Central by clicking the Brands tab. Amazon provides the three primary criteria of Price Competitiveness, Prime Eligibility, and In-stock Rate on this page. In addition, customer Reviews, Brand Analytics, Manage Your Experiments, and Search Terms Optimizer are also accessible through the Brand Dashboard.

Brand Health

Brand Health is a brand registry function that has expanded significantly in the last 6-12 months. Earlier, you might have only ever seen this in your Manage Your Inventory screen, and it was solely about your price. It is now a part of the current brand features for sellers, with Competitive Pricing, Prime Eligibility, and In-Stock Rates.

Brand Health is evaluating your Buy Box eligibility in general. The three subsections are all factors that affect Amazon’s algorithm and over which you have control. Prime Eligibility and In-Stock Rates are self-explanatory, and you can quickly correct them. Prime Eligibility may also have an impact on your Buy Box eligibility. Still, it is not a deal-breaker because Amazon considers the overall shipping experience and its effects on total pricing. Competitive pricing, on the other hand, has become a contentious subject for many merchants.

Competitive Price: The competitive price tool searches other stores to check if any of your products are available for a lesser price elsewhere. This component also reflects on “unprofitable page views,” or page views you earned while not offering the lowest price in the last 30 days. If this is the situation, the competitive pricing section will state, “We didn’t locate any prices for the products on other sellers.”

Prime Eligibility – This part informs you of the proportion of page views received in the last 30 days for products suitable for Amazon Prime. If it is less than 100 percent, you will monitor how many of your page visitors are going to non-Prime eligible products.

In-stock Rate — The In-Stock Rate tab keeps you informed of whether any of your goods are out of stock, as well as how many page views are being generated for products that are temporarily out of stock. This is especially useful if you are partnered with a 3PL company like Simpl Fulfillment.


Completing Conversion Detail Pages — all of your Amazon product information pages should provide a description, critical points on characteristics, and photographs of the product. When one or more of these vital pieces are missing from any of your description pages, that data will be listed here.

Minimum Number of Customer Reviews — this part of the Brand Dashboard will identify products with five or fewer customer reviews. The overall amount of reviews received will be listed under the Conversion tab. Sellers can also use Feedback Whiz’s services to increase the number of customer reviews.

Critical Customer Evaluations — this area informs vendors which products have earned three-star or more bad reviews and the number of such reviews received. In an earlier piece this year, we discussed how to react to Amazon’s lousy customer reviews.

Enhanced Brand Content Coverage – Amazon provides registered brands with Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). Sellers can use the EBC tool to build a customized brand story, text, and graphics. In addition, this part of the Brand Dashboard lists products that do not use EBC features.


Improved Search Terms — this tool evaluates the item names of your products to ensure that there are no “duplicates, unnecessary or overly-long search terms.” The ideal title should be straightforward and concise, with no more than 60 characters.

Adoption of Sponsored Ads – Products displayed in this part of the dashboard do not presently have a sponsored advertising campaign or have not earned any page visits from their current movement in the previous 30 days. This tool can help you fine-tune your marketing efforts.

Customer Reviews

Amazon merchants have been demanding a more thorough way to obtain their customer reviews from Amazon for ages. These reviews can be sorted by “Star Rating” or “Period,” with period options comprising “this week,” “last week,” or “older.” Brand owners can also look for individual goods by ASIN to see what comments have been written about them.

Bottom Line

Amazon mentions extra benefits for brands that join the Brand Registry and emphasize expanding and maintaining their brand’s visibility on Amazon and providing exceptional customer experiences; in the brand advantages section. You will be able to enhance your brand image health and performance, refine your listings, and boost search traffic and conversion for your brand by using solid and ASIN-level recommendations and stats.

Brands that fail to fulfill Amazon’s requirements may lose their selling privileges, Buy Box visibility, and placement in special offers on product detail pages.

Best Place to Buy YouTube Subscribers in 2021

In this globalized digital age, having an online presence is undisputable, for which YouTube is the best platform to go with. Since its evolution in 2005, It has evolved from a trifling video streaming podium to an international juggernaut influencing consumer behaviour, popular culture, internet trends, and forming multimillionaire influencers & celebrities. 

But building fans organically, is not an easy task on YouTube. Both private individuals and large production corporations struggle to gain YouTube subscribers to nurture audiences as every YouTube channel need to cultivate more views, watch-time, and engagement to become successful—all important indicators to the YouTube algorithm. 

Which is the supreme reason why you must only buy YouTube subscribers that are organic. The first thing that you need to confirm, is whether the results are 100% organically increased via people’s engagement, reliable and secure. You need to find trustworthy, legitimate and trustworthy site who will give you authentic subscribers and not bots. Then, you have to crisscross if the plan is perfect for your channel’s needs.

Top 3 websites to buy YouTube subscribers


It provides you the subscribers with simple science and optimization techniques that gives you a leg-up on the social media hierarchy. It’s a virtuous promotional tool to get your channel & corporate noticed. It is also one of the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers. is known to help international patrons in enhancing their brand popularity, creditability, status and trustworthiness in the market. They provide users with YouTube subscribers that are real and legitimate. 


They deliver services like buying subscribers, comments and likes for different social media platforms. You will enjoy the gratified results with increase in your credibility online by building a social media domain in the future. It also provides 24/7 customer support for any queries or questions with various packages that you can choose from depending upon the needs and goals that you wish to achieve via YouTube.


You can choose from diverse packages screening different number of subscribers bestowing to your budget. It empowers users to contact the live customer support for supplementary details. You get 100% genuine subscribers at the inexpensive rates within short period of time. It will make your channel more engaging, resulting in more organic invitees. After you buy organic subscribers, promises the hoard of authentic subscribers all the time. 

How to buy subscribers organically 

Youtube is the best free video marketing mediums and a leading platform to share video content. To get more subscribers on the Youtube channel, you should follow all the genuine approaches to get more subscribers to count. Creators will get pro-longed benefits by implementing all the strategies for your channel that we have shared below.

  1. Build Videos Around a Single Keyword and Topics

Creating videos around a single topic or keywords is one of the easiest ways to get targeted traffic and you can grow your audiences. It is one of the best SEO practices to gain more maximum number of viewers, you can use free tools like Google keywords planner, and it is more specific and help you’re to find less competitive and high search volume traffic.

One of the best practices to pick the keyword before creating content because if you know the keyword, you can collect the best information around the topic and create content. It is also a 100% legit method to include the main keywords naturally in content, titles, description, and tags.

  1. Grow Your Channel through YouTube Community

You can easily grow your Youtube channel by joining the Youtube community. Youtube community will help you to get feedback, share the content with those types of people who are interested in your content and want to network with you. 

It is a place where you can share and consume content and you will get the maximum number of subscribers instantly.

  1. Buy Subscribers by using all the SEO best practices

Search engine optimization is a technique that allows us to boost the ranking of channel. In order to increase subscribers allows us to share some important tips to grow your Youtube channel. 

The best practice is that we need to use the target keywords in the title, description, and tags and do not forget to include the main keyword in the videos. You can share the links to your Youtube video in the description. 

You have to optimize your Youtube channel and share the videos on different social media platforms and interact with your Youtube audience to get more Youtube subscribers instantly.

  1. Grow Subscribers using Email Newsletters

You can also use electronic mail to grow your Youtube channel and generate leads. Thus, email marketing can help you promote videos easily and effectively. 

You can send and embedded videos and links to every fresh content to increase the traffic on your Youtube channel, it is one of the legit ways of the marketing to grow your Youtube channel.

  1. Run a paid YouTube ad campaign

With Marketing prospects, Youtube is becoming a more popular option for the marketers. So, you have to focus on the visibility of your channel. 

Youtube also allows us to run Paid Youtube ads. There are different formats of ads available and you can choose the best one.

  • Display ads: These types of ads visible on the right-hand sidebar of the videos and you can only view them on a laptop and desktop.
  • Overlays ads: It is a semi-transparent ad and it can be shown on the bottom part of videos.
  • Skippable and non-skippable videos ads: These ads are displayed in between the videos and after the videos and before the videos. You can skip the skippable ads after 5 seconds.

Before running a campaign, you should be sure to upload high-quality content because after watching the content people will decide to subscribe or not.

Videos are purely amazing ways to convey the message to the audience and Youtube is one of the leading platforms to showcase your expertise.  

Follow these methods that we have to share above to grow your Youtube subscribers. I hope you have a better understanding of how to buy YouTube subscribers now!

Feel free to share!

Special Benefits of Investing in Gold

Today, gold is respected for its rich history and value that are interwoven into different cultures for centuries. Gold coins were first used around 650 BC, while pure gold came during the era of King Croesus of Lydia

Since then, people have held gold for varying purposes, especially as a store of value. When other currencies fail, gold is usually the fall-back metal. It is not just the central banks that are resorting to gold; individual persons are also buying gold bullions, ETFs, and futures

So, what are the benefits that come with investing in gold? In this post, we will tell you the five main reasons why a lot of persons are also investing in gold. 

Gold is a Good Hedge against Volatility 

Gold is considered an excellent investment, especially during turbulent economic times. Because of its rarity, its price, and multiple applications, the supply will always be scarce and demand high. 

On the market, the price of gold is inversely proportional to other trade instruments in the commodities market. So, when the global economy is facing high volatility, maybe because of a global pandemic such as COVID-19, new trade policies, or speculation, gold can be an excellent “safe haven” to ride out. 

Offers an Independent form of Investment 

Gold provides an awesome independent investment opportunity. When you buy and store gold, especially when correctly allocated, it belongs entirely to you. This also implies that you can store the gold and its value therein, free from the banking system and conventional economy. So, your investment cannot be frozen through court orders or lost because a bank has been declared insolvent. 

There are Many Ways of Investing in Gold 

When thinking of an investment opportunity, gold stands out from the pack because it can be traded in a number of ways. For example, you might want to buy actual gold bullion to get the feel, touch, and sophistication that it brings. For those who do not want to keep the bullions back at home or incur the additional costs associated with storage, other top investment options include: 

  • Trading gold ETFs. 
  • Buying and selling shares of companies that deal with gold. 
  • Trading gold futures. 

Indeed, you can even diversify by investing in gold bullions and still trading gold futures. To make your investment strategy more effective, consider combining investment in gold with other trading instruments, such as stocks and bonds.

Dwindling Supplies are Likely to Boost the Price of Gold

A closer look at the supplies of gold, especially in the 90s, reveals that it came from the sale of bullions stored in central banks. However, this trend slowed down in 2008, and the production from existing mines has also been going down since 2008. For example, gold mining output shot down from 2,573 metric tons to 2,444 metric tons between the years 2000 and 2007. Although the production rebound in 2011, the sharp fall of 2000-2007 resulted in a sharp rise in demand, which is expected to continue in the coming years. This indicates that the price of gold is also likely to take an uptrend in the coming years, and it will be a great idea to cash in when the demand soars. 

While there are many benefits of investing in gold, as we have highlighted in this post, it also comes with its own share of cons. The most notable is the additional costs, especially for traders who want to focus on gold bars and bullions. For example, you will need to use additional funds to put up storage units, transport costs, and insurance-related charges. 

This post has demonstrated that investing in gold comes with huge benefits, and it might be a great consideration for you. Remember to start by understanding the investment well and how it works. For example, you need to work with the best dealers, such as GoldAvenue and were to sell it when the price moves up. 

Loan Tenure for Loans : Here is What You Need to Know

If you have gone through your fair share of ups and downs and it is time to get things back on track, this might be the best time to take a loan in Singapore

A loan in Singapore allows you to address that emergency, pay for college education, or fill a financial gap, but you need to understand every component before signing the agreement. For example, what is the interest of the loan? What is the monthly amount payable?

One of the most important things that you need to know is the loan tenure. It is true to say that the loan tenure is simply the entire length of the personal loan, car loan, or renovation loan, but there is a lot more. Keep reading as we dig deeper into loan tenure to help you understand how it impacts your loan. 

Useful Facts about Loan Tenures 

As we have mentioned, all loans have a loan tenure, which is the time required for repayment. However, credit card loans come with variable payments depending on the outstanding balance. Here are other facts that you need to know about loan tenures: 

  • Home loans have the longest tenure, which can run into several decades based on the amount. 
  • Business loans, personal loans, and car financing have shorter tenure of up to five years. 
  • The loan tenure largely depends on the amount of funds involved. 
  • Some lenders are willing to renegotiate the loan if you get into difficulty trying to repay it.

Why is Loan Tenure so Important? 

  • Helps You to Understand and Manage the Monthly Repayment

When taking a loan in Singapore, the first thing that runs through the mind is, “I need to clear this loan within the shortest time possible.”  Sure, you do not want to carry the burden of paying a loan for years, but a shorter period means that the monthly payment will be pretty steep. This can easily result in serious cash flows issues and disrupt your financial management

Therefore, you better strike a balance by ensuring you only direct a small portion of the salary to avoid disruptions. If you must repay the loan fast, consider instituting some austerity measures on some of the less critical expenses in your life. For example, can you watch movies on Netflix at home instead of paying a lot of money to get a ticket to the theatres twice every weekend?

  • The Loan Tenure can Help You Calculate the Amount Payable 

If the loan tenure is very long, it implies that you will pay more compared to taking a shorter period. A longer term means that you only pay a small amount every month to avoid exerting a lot of pressure on your finances. Whether you prefer a shorter or longer loan, the number of months involved will determine the total amount payable. You might want to use a loan calculator to check how different terms impact the total amount payable. 

  • The Loan Tenure helps You Determine the Cost of the Loan 

The cost of the loan is the amount that you pay on top of the loan. In the example below, we will demonstrate how a personal loan of S$100,000 will cost on a monthly basis for periods of 2, 3, and 5 years. 

Loan amount  S$100,000 S$100,000 S$100,000
Interest rate / month  6.75% 6.75% 6.75%
Term/ Tenure  Two years  Three years Five years 
Monthly pay S$4,465.93 S$3,076.29 S$1,968.35

Note how the monthly payment changes as you increase the loan term. 

Now that you have seen the impact of loan terms, it will be a great idea to check it alongside other terms and conditions, and the best way to do this is through a lender comparison site. Consider working with Lendela to help you identify the loan with the best condition because they make the process so simple. You only need to visit their site, complete a short application and provide the required documents. Then, they will send the application to different lenders, and you will be notified of the floated offers to pick the best choice. Do not just go for any loan; work with Lendela to help you identify the best option. 

Lead generation strategies for high ROI


When you don’t have leads, then your business is on the verge of failing. These are qualified prospects that have the potential of becoming customers and your brand ambassadors if you have the right strategies.

Successful brands have many goals, but the most significant percentage will always be toward lead generation. As a business person, you may have several channels to drive leads, but you may have to change tack if they’re not yielding results.

Again, you may be taking lots of time and spending money to create content that can attract the leads, but that still is not yielding any results, then you must be a discouraged marketer.

The question you need to answer here is; what does your potential customer want? If you can answer that question, and tie it to a high-converting page, then you can be sure of leads coming your way.

Remember, it’s easier to generate your leads if you focus your attention on syncing your landing page with various other marketing channels.

Here are a top lead generation tips for any business

  1. It all begins at home- the home page

Every marketer will tell you that their home page receives the most visits. Of course, not for those who get their sites running and sit to wait. But if you’re an aggressive marketer actively promoting your site, then your home page must be getting visitors from search engines, social media sites, and other referring sites.

If you already have views on your home page, don’t you think you can apply the same strategy for all other pages and generate leads?

If you want to experience tremendous growth in your led generation efforts, then think about reviewing and adjusting your home page to generate more leads.

When it comes to home page optimization, it’s about “judging a book by its cover.” Most of the site visitors will land on the home page. The experience that they get at that first encounter will determine whether they will convert or not. The majority of the inbound traffic is directed here, and therefore, you’ve to make sure they have the best impression.

What do you do with your homepage for better leads?

  • Determine the primary homepage goals

What are the purposes and goals? What is it you want the page to accomplish? How do you achieve the goals? 

How do you measure the goals?

Answering the above questions will help you get to the core of your home page goals. If you want to educate your visitors through the page, then that will dictate the format.  

The home page will set you up for success or failure.

  • Wireframe the content you want to include

The type of content you’ve on your homepage sets up the pace for your site. With some interesting statistics, you’re enticing visitors to learn more from your site as they take their time to explore.

Do some research on what your visitors want, don’t leave them hanging, and instead convey the purpose through carefully created content. If your content is not tailored towards addressing prospects’ issues, you’ll be speaking to a disengaged room.

  • Compress your message into a single phase

Once your goals are solidified, you’ve to start drafting your copy and outlining the primary messages to include. It may look like an obvious stage, but it’s integral in optimizing your page. Now that you’re clear on what you want to achieve on your home page, you can now focus on encouraging your visitors to participate.

  • Link your webinars to your page content

A great lead generation strategy that would work wonders is linking your webinars to your content. Webinars are low-cost strategies of delivering the brand message to your audience who asked for it when they were registering.

Statistics show that 52% of marketers believe that seminars and webinars are the most effective ways of generating targeted leads.

Then you ask, how do I get webinars? It’s as simple as ABC if you have the right strategies. The first thing is to get people to register and reserve their slots to attend. Blogging comes in handy here. It’s a perfect way of rallying numbers. It helps in building trust with your followers.  

You can’t ignore the role of webinars in boosting sales- any serious company will tell you webinars improved their sales significantly. Again, make sure your blogs are interesting and contain useful information; that way, visitors can sign up to get more helpful information.

  • Use Google as your log in

Using Google as your log-in allows you to personalize your efforts. And you can achieve effective marketing by addressing your audience as individuals but not a group. It’s about connecting with your customers. You may be one among many digital companies that are not using this strategy to get more leads. But you better believe the truth- that Google is popular and content marketers, bloggers, and other internet users have a Google account.

Google is a trusted platform across the board and therefore using it as your log-in means you have a stake in their robust customer base.

  • Draw attention to your homepage by having a catchy headline and strong Verbs

In your elementary grades, they must have told you that a Verb is a “doing” word or a word that represents an action. Therefore, if you want to draw the attention of your site visitors, you’ve to take advantage of these powerful words- Verbs.

What will make your headline catchy?

It’s the Keywords use, the structure, the length; it’s the ‘Action’ word used-the Verb. A combination of these will evoke curiosity and persuade the viewer to click. If you give attention to crafting your headline, you’ll improve your search rankings and generate targeted leads. That is due to the improved bounce-back rate, and the time the visitors take on your site.

Every marketer worth the salt knows how important it is to have a headline that will draw attention- it’s what will drive leads to your site. That can be easily achieved through having strong Verbs on your headline.

The first step towards high return on investment through lead generation is hiring the right expert, MyExpert, who understands the art and science of turning visitors into valuable leads. They’ve dedicated staff that is in charge of developing effective strategies and evaluating analytics reports.

Free Video Streaming Solutions vs Professional Solutions

Online streaming is a rapidly growing market showing no signs of slowing down. Every person uses an online streaming platform in some form. From VOD streaming software or live video calling, streaming is part of everyday life.

Some are finding ways to capitalize on the market. Online content creators and digital businesses are cashing in on this lucrative industry. How do they do it? They monetize their content.

Monetization works in various ways, and there are platforms designed to help. Some streaming solutions are free of charge. The most successful earners, however, are looking elsewhere.

What Are the Different Video Streaming Monetization Systems?

Video monetization platforms can be summed up into three main categories:

  • SVOD Monetization (Subscription-based video on demand)
  • AVOD Monetization (Advertising-based video on demand)
  • TVOD Monetization (Transaction-based video on demand)

Most free streaming solutions don’t support any monetization. If you do manage to set it up, it is hard to manage. Professional systems like OTT Platforms help you maximize these opportunities. They are designed to boost your success.

AVOD Monetization (advertisement) is the most common way to make money through your content. Every time someone watches or sees the advert, it’s money in your pocket. Most viewers don’t like ads. That goes without saying. Most viewers avoid watching adverts on videos and skip whenever possible. You can set up ads on some free platforms such as Youtube. If you do, it is hard to manage. Professional solutions help develop a setup where you have more control.

For subscriptions and pay-per-view style earning, free services won’t be of much use. If monetization is the goal, invest in an OTT Platform or white label streaming service.

Why Should Content Creators Pay for A Professional Solution When There Are Platforms Available for Free?

The immediate reaction of many to this question might be why bother? Actually, there are many reasons. It is easy to get caught up in the benefit of not having to pay to get your content out there. If you are looking to make money off it then why eat into your profits, right? Wrong.

Sure, not having to pay is a bonus, but it’s often the only one. An OTT Platform costs money but for good reason. Let’s look at some of the benefits of a professional stream solution:

  • Additional security features

With free streaming services and platforms there is limited, if any, privacy, security, or safety. Websites often come with pop-ups for viewers and even viruses. If you are putting your information and content out there, you should want it protected.

Professional platforms offer varying security levels, password protection at the very least. The most advanced offer encryptions and monitoring, so research what’s best for you.

  • Functional on a larger scale

For small-time streaming, free systems can usually handle it. If you need to share content on a high level, they won’t cut it. For businesses with a wide range of streaming needs a more sophisticated delivery model is needed.

  • Tech support

It’s nice to know you’re not alone if something goes wrong. If your business relies on streaming and it suddenly crashes, chaos ensues. Free services can be of little help in this scenario. You could lose more than just time waiting for things to re-start.

The best OTT Platform and streaming services offer 24/7 support. Experts are on hand to get you back up and running as soon as possible. A bit of backup is always good.

  • Video Monetization Platforms

The monetization of online content is a rapidly growing concept. So many people are doing it or are trying to. If you are just starting out, you could be hesitant to invest in a professional platform. You don’t want to cut into whatever profits you may gain, but these platforms can actually boost profits.

Online content streamers pull in vastly different profits from channel to channel. The most successful of the bunch use professional systems to help them get there.

Free streaming platforms don’t support monetization tools. If they do, they are hard to access. OTT Platforms let you earn through pay-per-view, subscriptions, and AVOD monetization.

If you want to monetize, invest in a platform to help you succeed.

  • More diverse functionality

All your streaming needs can be met in a single solution. Invest in one good-quality OTT Platform and use it however you want. Professional solutions are compatible with more playback options. They do more than just let you stream.

  • More reliable live streaming services.

 Free live streaming solutions are susceptible to freezing and cutting out. This looks unprofessional if you are streaming for business purposes. Viewers are less likely to watch a streamer who keeps buffering throughout the video.

It’s because the platform may not be able to handle the stream. Professional solutions are more stable and far more dependable. They also provide higher video quality and sound levels. All this boosts your image and reputation.

How Can Business Benefit from An OTT Platform?

OTT platforms are so much more than a streaming solution. If you run a business, these programs can revolutionize your digital presence. With more businesses than ever before transitioning into hybrid working, they are vital. Here are some of the ways these platforms are transforming online businesses:

  • Offering full data handling programs. Client profiles, info management, and company statistics in real-time all in one place.
  • State-of-the-art privacy and security systems to keep information protected.
  • Facilities to include personal branding.
  • Heavy-duty streaming capabilities. They can keep up with all your video streaming and live streaming needs.
  • Full support from start to finish. Particularly helpful for startups and new small businesses. Guidance from the ground up on how to build, manage and monetize your business.
  • Low-quality streaming is unprofessional and hinders your business. Communication via live stream should be seamless. With an OTT Platform, it can be.

Investing in a high-quality OTT Platform is smart. Don’t be drawn in by free-of-charge streaming solutions. They really don’t match up. Whether for large-scale business or independent content creations, professional solutions are invaluable.

Nowadays, online presence is vital to business survival. Don’t gamble with your success.

How to Use Promo Codes to Boost Your ECommerce Store’s SEO

Using promo codes offer a valuable marketing tool in your strategy for all sizes of e-commerce stores. It’s no secret that promo codes draw potential buyers, encourage them to buy, and do many other things. However, promo codes are endowed with a remarkable ability to enhance your e-commerce website’s SEO as well.

With the fact that there are over 15 million coupon-related searches and queries every month, improving your eCommerce store’s SEO can offer you a valuable opportunity to attract a large demographic of people that want to buy your products. With reputable SEO services, you can get great outcomes at affordable prices.

Promo codes can also improve your online presence in several ways, like having a good impact on your domain authority and overall rank. Keep reading to learn how you can make the most of the promo codes to enhance your eCommerce site’s SEO.

  • Using Target Keywords: Promo codes are used for attaining all kinds of marketing goals that also improve the website’s SEO. One can use target promotion-related keywords that can help you to attract more traffic. This means using keywords like:
    • Promo code
    • Coupon
    • Sale
    • Coupon

Additionally, the e-commerce website owner may collaborate with the influencers who will spread the word about the same. You can also share promo codes on social media profiles plus include them in your print ads, paid search campaigns, and everywhere else where it is possible. It will help you attract more traffic from your current customers.

Using promo codes this way will help you generate the buzz for improving overall website traffic, conversions, and CTRs and positively influencing other valuable factors connected to your e-commerce store.

The various types of promo codes to attract higher traffic:

  • Sign up for a Discount
    • Direct cash Discount
    • Percentage Discount
    • Free Gift
    • Free Shipping
    • Expiry Promotion
  • Using expiry promotion

Click through factor is an important criterion for ranking on various search engines. E-commerce stores can draw traffic in multiple numbers of ways. Improving promo-related keywords can improve conversion rates and improve sales. Create a CTA, and you can also add an urgency factor to it using conversion-driven language; for example, “Buy today! Offer ends on coming Sunday.”

  • Use regular promotions to keep your site fresh

Content freshness is an important ranking factor ever since Google Caffeine Update. Time-sensitive searches get evaluated with the frequency with which the pages get updated over time. Reputable services for E-commerce SEOgive you the best way to optimize the creation of new promo codes by creating and posting new promo codes on your e-commerce store regularly.

Create independent promo codes that you can update with all your deals. And include these promo codes on your product pages. Optimize the website for effective and resourceful target keywords like a deal, affordable price, reduced price, low price, and more. Following this, create internal links from the website’s various areas pointing back to your promotion page. Now, optimize the anchor text for varied types of promotion-related target keywords.

Create internal links from the product pages and other website areas directing to the promotion page. Do not forget to update your page with the next promotional offer and give a note to the visitors to grab the upcoming deals.

  • Use Creative Sales Strategies: Come up with exhilarating sales offers that can attract a lot of traffic to your promo page using search and other things. It proves to be a useful strategy if you are clearing out the inventory and refreshing your listings.
  • Enhancing reviews: Provide promo code discounts to your audience in exchange for reviews of your products. Google reviews are important in Google shopping results and everybody that searches for products or services on Google knows this.
  • Consider investing in PLAs (Product Listing Ads): It means Google will display your products in the Shopping search results. This also means that Google also offers star rating reviews collected from merchant websites, editorial sites consumers, and third-party review aggregators. It’s no wonder that positive and negative reviews and ratings have a prominent say in whether the searchers will click on your product advertisement. According to the services of SEO India you should ask the customers to give product reviews using promo codes that improve your product’s appearance across the internet. Another brilliant idea is to use special promo deals for your existing customers by sending them marketing emails directly. For instance- Get 10% off on your next purchase if you review our product.
  • Using promo codes for link building: Promo codes can help your SEO with link building. Promo codes should be designed for sharing on other websites, offering you a great opportunity to build new links and buy SEO backlinks that direct towards your site. Coupon affiliate sites are also a large part of link building using promotional codes.

Coupon link-building sites are a large part of affiliate link building requiring the use of promo codes. One can also look for niche coupon sites where you can get links back to your website if they are featuring your promos. Coupon affiliate sites comprise a large part of your link building. However, remember that there are many spam coupon sites present. It is essential to steer clear of spam websites. The spam websites do get a rank among top results but display spam codes for the stores. These do not work or lead to your promotional product page until you do not pay these websites. The best way to check a reliable coupon is to ensure that the site has great metrics like high domain authority and the best backlinks for SEO.

  • Influencer Platforms: The boom in the e-commerce market has been present for a long time. It is presenting a competitive challenge to stand out irrespective of the size of your e-commerce store. Use unique strategies to spread the word about your products like asking bloggers and influencers to pitch for your products.

The bloggers and influencers provide several probable ways to generate links with your promo codes. You must keep track of blogs and other niche sites for finding sites where you can collaborate. Some websites could feature your products on their blog. You can get a highly cost-effective way to help the target audience learn about your products and drive more traffic to your website. The bloggers can feature one of your products on their blog, with things like placing offers- for example, they may offer “10% off on your promo code” for encouraging the audience to buy. This step of SEO India is all about finding influencers and bloggers that can promote you affordably to make your products popular and get greater traffic on your advertisements.

The great benefit of using an influencer platform will help you in saving time and minimizing your effort. One does not require spending hours on social media looking for influencers. There are several influencers and platforms that present great solutions for reducing the amount of time spent on profiling and connecting with new influencers. This will help to channelize your efforts in optimizing your campaign. Some of the best influencer platforms you can use for your SEO campaign include:

  • Intellifluence
    • Influencity
    • Fourstarrz Media
    • Public Fast
    • Heepsy
    • Neoreach
    • HyperAuditor
    • Webfluential
    • Pitchbox
    • Klear
    • Activate

And more.

Overall, creating and posting promo codes on influencer platforms is one of the best ways to increase your outreach to your audience. It can also improve your SEO by creating buzz, encouraging reviews, targeting new keywords, and link building. Always keep e-commerce SEO in mind for your next promo code campaign and reap complete benefits from your efforts.

You will also find a host of retailers that can run various promotions constantly and convince shoppers for final sales. Many of the online shoppers today will simply walk away driving conversions.

There are several unique and innovative coupon codes and promotions that can push consumers on the basis of an impulse alone. Giving cart level discounts can be enticing enough and can greatly push up conversion rates.

  • Best practices for leveraging coupon codes
    • Target usage: One can target the sales and the promos that meet various specifications. One can use different terminology for referring to a promo code addressing it as something else like a special offer code or a voucher. Promos can be used to encourage the interaction of current customers and also for showing customer appreciation.
    • Coupon code uses: Technology advancements and innovations come faster; for example, you may require the use of coupon codes across several platforms. These also allow for consumers’ attention before any promotional codes get presented to them. Combining e-commerce SEO India with promo codes can significantly enhance your sales and also ensure that your on-site engagement is good.

Practice SEO techniques for increasing the visibility of your promos and coupon codes. The various types of promos codes you can use coupling them with the target SEO keywords will help you in ranking better. It includes free shipping codes, loyalty reward codes, social media codes, pre-launch promo codes, and more.

  • Various ways to present promo codes: You may refer to a promo code as a voucher or special offer code and avoid appearing salesy to your customers. Using slightly different terminology means that consumers will pick your message when they want to reach them.

The Takeaway

With their versatility, the promo codes not only help you to boost the traffic of your website but also increase conversions and revenues. You can use Promo codes as a part of your e-commerce website’s SEO strategy and increase your sales. Using these tips, you can find a great way to improve conversions on your website.

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